Name | Description |
Chron: | The chron name [e.g., C13n] |
AnomalyEnd: | End of anomaly being picked, i.e., young (y), old (o), or center (c). |
AnomEndQua: | Confidence in the anomaly end assignment. Ranges from 1 = anomaly end clearly listed in the original paper; 2 = some problem exist from original paper but there is confidence in the anomaly end assignment 3 = anomaly end unclear in the original paper and the end has been inferred by the data assembler. |
CruiseName: | Cruise name designation (NGDC) if known, otherwise N/A. |
Reference: | The publication reference [e.g., Cande++_1988_JGR] |
GeeK2007: | The assigned age based on the Gee and Kent [2007] time scale. Note: Other time scales can be used via the Chron name. |
IDMethod: | Typically "Magnetic Anomaly" but could be other identifiers such as "Abyssal Hill". |
While we will keep all KMZ submissions in the database, we will use our judgment in presenting only one version of each feature as "the best" on the website. This version is what will be available to the general user.